NERM Identity Proofing for New Profiles

We are trying to create new users in SailPoint NERM using a workflow that we created. The problem is that every time we do it, the user is created in a pending identity proofing state. If we use the same workflow with a different profile type, it creates the profile with no issues. Has anyone run into a similar problem or knows what the solution should be?

How does it affect your use case? are you doing identity proofing for your non-employees? Anyway, if you want to update, I think you can do it via automated workflow and try updating the proofing status using API patch-profile | SailPoint Developer Community

We are not sure what the impact will be if they remain in the pending state but we would like to see them fully done. How will I update the proofing status? What would the body of the api look like?

Also, if we create a profile of a different profile type using the same workflow it creates them just fine:

You should be able to do it via the patch-profile | SailPoint Developer Community with body like id_proofing_status": “pass”,
Check what workflow is used to create thta profile and whether that workflow is setting the proofing status?

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Hope to provide a bit of clarify here:

“Identity Proofing” status is not the same as the “Status” of a Profile. All profiles are created with id_proofing_status set to “Pending”. If you have the Identity Proofing feature enabled in your tenant (currently unavailable but is on the current roadmap for this year- subject to changes), you could use a Collaboration Registration workflow with a third-party Identity Proofing vendor to certify if the non-employee is who they/you say they are.

As Sunny suggested, you could use the API to set that value as needed - but as your tenant most likely does not make use of this feature, you can also ignore it.

To remove that column from the table view you have, you can modify it under Admin >Templates > Tables > “Contractors”. It looks like you currently just have the default table, so you can click the eye icon to hide the Identity Proofing column and add other attributes that might hold more useful data for the table.

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