NERM aggregation

I last aggregated from my NERM connector a month ago and now I am getting a 403 error

java.lang.RuntimeException - java.lang.IllegalStateException: [ConnectorError] NERM Connector Error - error_message: undefined, http_status: 403 (requestId: 6021539606844ba3975b6fc64879e6b8) - java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: [ConnectorError] NERM Connector Error -

Does this have anything to do with NERM updates and the APIs changing? I am using the same api key that I did when the aggregation worked.

Any insight would be appreciated.

What kind of connector are you using? Are you able to retrieve the data using Postman? Additionally, try enabling debugging to see if you can gather more information from the logs.

Hi Sunny,

Thank you for getting back to me. I am using the NERM connector. It was aggregating, but it is not now. I am able to retrieve the data using a phyton script. I am using the default key. What logs are you referring to?

Hi Jenelle, I believe Sunny is referring to the CCG logs on the virtual appliance.

Looking at your error message, it shows an error code of 403 which is a “forbidden” error. I would advise that you create a new API key in NERM and try it in the connector on the ISC side.

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If you are using the OOTB NERM connector, you need to use the sailpoint cli to access the logs, as this is a saas based connector.

Refer to this document on how to set it up:

Once set up, you can run the following command to tail the logs:

sail conn logs tail

If you want more verbose logging, turn on the debug level logs in the source configuration.

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