NELM Conversions

We are looking to enable conversions between a NELM Non-Employee source to an Employee (UltiPro) source and are facing some challenges. Although correlation exists on the NELM source, there is no way to manually correlate a NELM record to an Employee record so that the Identity can inherit the new Employee’s employee ID for their identity cube. Naturally, the new Identity attributes are sourced from the highest priority ID Profile (Employees), but Account IDs, and other attributes still exist on the ID From the NELM source.

We can handle the Employee to NELM conversion by manually correlating the account, but this is a rare use case.

Any suggestions?


Just to clarify, are you saying to can manually correlate Employee → NELM, but not NELM → Employee?

Hi Colin, that is correct. Thanks!

Can you share the steps you take to manually correlate from Employee → NELM?

Hi Colin–

We use the manual correlation template just as if we were going to manually correlate a non-Identity account - add the Account ID and Account Name from the UltiPro source and then the ID from the NELM source.


We also have to address this requirement where a Non-Employee becomes an Employee.
We performed some tests but we arrived at the same point as justinrhaines.

The key question is : can the Account ID be renamed or modified ?

We performed the following steps :

  1. Identity was created via NELM and its Account ID value is “canka”, since Non-Employees don’t have Employee Number
  2. Then we created another source (SQL Loader) which represents the RH. For this source the Employee Number field was set as Account ID.
  3. We established a Correlation Configuration on the RH source to match accounts created via NELM source
  4. We imported the same “person” from the RH source
  5. The identity was updated accordingly. It switched its IdentityProfile from NELM to the RH as expected

Problem : Account ID remained as “canka”
Expected result : Account ID would become the Employee Number since this person became an full-time employee.

Thanks for a feedback on this.


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We found that the best solution for manually mapping NELM to Employee conversions was:

  1. Set Account Correlation on the Employee authoritative source. This way, if personalEmail in Employee source matches personalEmail on the NELM source, the account will be correlated
  2. If the personalEmails don’t match, Remove the Employee identity through the GUI, update the NELM or Employee source so that the personalEmails do match, and re-run the Employee aggregation.

Note, this is a solution for NELM-to-Employee conversions only.

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