Need to understand what it signifies. "call:buildApprovalSet"

I have a workflow name: Identity Request Initialize, Inside this in one step- it calls the following method “call:buildApprovalSet”, and the above libraries are also present in the same WorkFlow.

I need to understand, where the code for call method is written

This is an internal function of IdentityIQ and located in WEB-INF/lib/identityiq.jar (Java-class sailpoint.workflow.IdentityLibrary).

There is an old wiki-post (2015) Approval sets in LCM workflows which explains the approvals and approval-sets for the LCM Workflows :slight_smile:
This is not really changed in the last 8 years (and is also not really needed IMHO).

– Remold

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Hello Debasis, Welcome to the SailPoint Developer Community!

Remold has shared the link which describes Approval Sets in detail (and why call:buildApprovalSet is called). Were you able to get the answer you were looking for from that? Do let us know if you have any more questions regarding this. :slight_smile:

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