Need approval mode to be set to parallel for only manager approval and serial for next level

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I have a delegate attribute for manager available in database table , which is not updated as preference in sailpoint. So during approval if the delegate value is present the approval needs to be sent for both manager and delegate parallelly and the second level should be received once any one of the approver approves the request.

Hi @Deepamv77,

which one database table attribute you refer to?

In every case, on approval you some mode:

Approvals are processed concurrently and there must be consensus,
we wait for all approvers to approve. The first approver that
rejects terminates the entire approval.

Approvals are processed concurrently but consensus is not required.
All approvals will be processed, we don’t stop if there are any

Approvals are processed one at a time and there must be consensus.
The first approver that rejects terminates the entire approval.

Approvals are processed in order but consensus is not required.
All approvals will be processed, we don’t stop if there are any
rejections. In effect we are “taking a poll” of the approvers.

Approvals are processed concurrently, the first approver to
respond makes the decision for the group.

You choose\set one of this type for each level of approval.


Hi @Deepamv77,

You can create custom approval using approval assignment rule and you can create an approval object and assign it two child approval object which will be your “manager” and the person who have got delegation by manager and then apply approval mode “any” on the parent approval.

You can extend this logic to even larger audience depending upon your use-case.

Let me know if further help is needed.


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