I am trying to build a workflow with trigger ‘‘Start date = Now + 24h’ and cloudlifecycle = Active’. We need to trigger only after 24 hours of start date with active state and also lastlogintimestamp should be ‘0’ or ‘NULL’
Trigger used before for start date:
"trigger": {
"type": "EVENT",
"attributes": {
"attributeToFilter": "startDate",
"attributeValue": "2023-03-01",
"filter.$": "$.attributes[?(@.startDate >= \"2023-03-01\")]",
"id": "idn:identity-created",
"operatorStartDate": "TimestampGreaterThanEquals",
"operatorToFilter": "operatorStartDate",
"operatorValue": "TimestampGreaterThanEquals"
Now need a trigger for start date + 24 hours and also cloudlifecycle state should be ‘Active’
Hi @enosh123 -
What about creating an another Identity Attribute holding this value?
You can calculate it with a transform.
I need to create three workflows with Start date + 24, + 48 and +72.
So I need to create a filter to achieve the same.
I would create a transform to calculate the value based on your requirements, and output values like “trigger24”, “trigger48”,“trigger72”. You can also have a default of “none”.
Then create an IdentityAttribute to hold the value, such as Start Trigger Status.
Then use the IdentityAttributeUpdated to trigger on the change. Each workflow could then check/filter for it’s specific value (ie “trigger24” for your first one) and kick off the workflow if it matches. This would allow you to add additional triggers if needed by updating the transform, then adding the new workflow.
You can achieve this with 2 workflows:
- Triggers based on the event that you want the process to run for (most likely Identity created)
- Has an external trigger and carries out the process that you want to run
Now in the first workflow, use multiple “Wait” steps (24h, 48h, 72h) and call the second workflow using httpRequest action.
Kindly could you help me with an example transform?
Also I need to compare three attributes in trigger. Is it achievable?
Startdate transform value
Re-reading your requirements, it looks like you might have different requirements for each time frame, as you mention the LastLoginTime = null/0 for the 24hr trigger, but then later mention needing a 48 and 72 hr trigger. Do those have the same requirements for lastLoginTime or cloud lifecycle state?
I would start by writing out the requirements for each trigger separately to make sure you have them defined, then work on creating the transform from there. How you approach it would be determined by how much overlap there is between the triggers. For example, if cloudLifesysleState = Active is part of all three, that may be the first check. However, if each has individual requirements, you may want to start with the date math to determine if you are within one of the required times, and then do the individual reuirements per timeframe after.
For reading, I would review the transforms for Date Math, Date Compare, Conditional, and Lookup to start: Operations | SailPoint Developer Community
Created a transform, Need help to get output of each day separately based on start date
Its working fine now. Able to update through transform created
Requesting for a workflow trigger event filter to check the below conditions
1.Attribute ‘Start day’ changed
2.Clod life cycle state == Active
3.AzureLastLogintimestamp == 0
What have you tried so far and what is not working? Can you provide code for what you have tried? (Don’t forget to sanitize it if needed)
The community is here to help solve issues you are having, and assist getting answering questions, but we are not here to do the work for you. If you would like someone to do it, there are plenty of SailPoint Partners that could be contracted outside of the developer forum to do the work if you would prefer that approach.
Can you post your transform you used. We have a similar case but to create a ticket for any user after 30 day expire to SNOW but keep getting a hull on out transform even though its all in ISO format
Currently i built a transform to manipulate attribute value (newstarter - start date +24, start date +48 etc.)
Now currently i am using the below trigger in workflow (If attribute ‘newstarter’ changes)
"filter.$": "$.changes[?(@.attribute == \"newstarter\")]",
Need one more attribute to be added for trigger. That is ‘AzureADLastLogintimestamp’ (Identity attribute).
For workflow to be triggered, We need that identity attribute value should be ‘0’
Finally, Trigger the workflow if,
- new starter identity attribute value changes
- AzureADLastLogintimestamp’ (Identity attribute) attribute value equal to ‘0’
Is it achievable? Able to build a workflow trigger
You should be able to use the IdentityAttribute Changed Trigger to check the attributes. You’ll likely have to use the Advanced filter to check multiple attributes.
If it turns out that the second attribute is not coming in because it does not change, you could check it as the first step in the workflow, and if it does not meet your criteria, have the workflow end there.
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