This is happening because of feature checked Under Global settings Native Identity Change Event detection
You can uncheck this is if processing of native Identity change event is not required ( Note - This is native identity change event and not native change event at application level)
Also 8.3 P1 has a known bug related to this , below thread can provide more details
Active Directory ObjectGUID, move/rename support FAQ - Compass
For now you can uncheck the setting to unblock issues and clean all existing data in that spt_native_identity_change_event table, this can be done OOTB as well by adding below are details
There is an OOTB configuration to prune the NativeIdentityChangeEvents, which should be configured to perform clean up on these objects, similar to pruning task results, or other objects. This would be a global option to delete all objects over a certain age.
In debug Configuration->SystemConfiguration
This value is the number of days to retain the objects. The default is “0”, which would not delete any objects. If you were to set it to “7” and run the prune option below, it would prune all objects older than 7 days, as an example.
In the Perform Maintenance task, there is an option: “Prune Native Identity Change Events”
Delete Native Identity Change Events older than the age specified in the system configuration
In the xml, it would show as below if enabled.
It would be recommended that you add this to your regular execution of the PM task which performs pruning (if you have a separate task for pruning objects, set it in that one).