Failed NativeIdentityChangeEvent report

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.3

Share all details related to your problem, including any error messages you may have received.

Hello guys!
I was wondering - does anyone of you have developed some sort of report, which will show all failed NativeIdentityChangeEvent’s ? It’s a new feature and it doesn’t come with logging (at least on my version 8.3) and since we allow group renaming, it would be really beneficial with a report like that. Before I start looking into creating report myself (never done it myself yet) wanted to ask here first.
Thanks in advance!

Hello @ADLOR ,

Let me know If I am understanding your use case correct, you want to create a report which displays all the failed native change event (change is Denied in IIQ after aggregation). Is that correct?

If yes, information of this is stored in database table Spt_audit_event and the action is identityLifecycleEvent.

What are the Filter parameters you are looking for this report, you can develop this just like any other Custom report on the Object type of NativeIdentityChangeEvent Object
This object will have associated application, link or managedAttribute Object , old and new Native Identity and completion details.

Created a quick sample Task Definition and form you can use

Please customize the fields based on your requirement

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE TaskDefinition PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<TaskDefinition executor="sailpoint.reporting.LiveReportExecutor" name="IIQ Native Identity Change Event Report" progressMode="Percentage" resultAction="Rename" subType="IIQ Monitoring Reports" template="true" type="LiveReport">
      <entry key="report">
          <LiveReport title="IIQ Native Identity Change Event Report">
            <DataSource objectType="NativeIdentityChangeEvent" type="Filter">
                <Parameter argument="status" property="status"/>
                <Parameter argument="type" property="type"/>
                <Parameter argument="applicationName">
                      import sailpoint.object.Filter;
                      import sailpoint.object.QueryOptions;
                      import sailpoint.object.Application;
                      if (value != null ){

                      Application app=context.getObjectByName(Application.class,value.toString());
                      Filter ftr=Filter.eq("applicationId",app.getId());


                      Filter ftr=Filter.notnull("id");
                      return queryOptions; 
              <Reference class="sailpoint.object.Form" name="IIQ Native Identity Change Event Report Form"/>
              <ReportColumnConfig field="OldNativeIdentity" header="Old Native Identity ID" property="oldNativeIdentity" sortable="true" width="110"/>
              <ReportColumnConfig field="newNativeIdentity" header="New Native Identity ID" property="newNativeIdentity" sortable="true" width="110"/>
              <ReportColumnConfig field="Status" header="Event Status" property="status" sortable="true" width="110"/>
              <ReportColumnConfig field="type" header="Object Type" property="type" sortable="true" width="110"/>
              <ReportColumnConfig field="identityDetails" header="Identity Details" property="identityId" sortable="true" width="110">
                    import sailpoint.object.Identity;
                    Identity idenObj = context.getObjectById(Identity.class, value);
                    return idenObj.getName();
  <Description>Displays Native Identity Change Event Results</Description>
      <Argument multi="true" name="applicationName" type="String">
        <Description>Application Name</Description>
      <Argument multi="true" name="status" type="String">
      <Argument multi="true" name="type" type="String">
        <Description>Object Type</Description>


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Form PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<Form hidden="true" name="IIQ Native Identity Change Event Report Form" type="Report">
  <Section columns="2" label="IIQ Native Identity Change Event Report" name="customProperties">
    <Field displayName="Object Type" helpKey="Object Type" multi="true" name="type" type="String" value="ref:type">
            String[] status = {
            "Account ",

            List values = new ArrayList();
            for (String statusPresent : status) {
            List value = new ArrayList();


            return values;
    <Field displayName="Event Status" helpKey="Status of Native Identity Change Event" multi="true" name="status" type="String" value="ref:status">
            String[] status = {
            "Completed ",

            List values = new ArrayList();
            for (String statusPresent : status) {
            List value = new ArrayList();


            return values;
    <Field displayName="Application Name" helpKey="Application Name" multi="true" name="applicationName" type="string" value="ref:applicationName">
            import sailpoint.object.QueryOptions;
            import sailpoint.object.Filter;
            import sailpoint.object.Application;
            import java.util.HashSet;
            import java.util.Iterator;
            import java.util.Set;
            Set set=new HashSet(); ;
            QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions();
            Iterator iterator =,queryOptions);
            while( iterator != null &amp;&amp; iterator.hasNext()) {
            Object appObject =;
            return set;

Hello Balaji,
Sorry if I wasn’t clear enough. Yes, after the group aggregation, there are Native Identity Change Propagation tasks which are failing. These then I can find in the debug under object: NativeIdentityChangeEvent. I sort on Status “failed” and there is a lot. I need to have a report, which is having columns on: ID, UUID, Old Native Identity and New Native Identity, so I can easily see what action is needed to be performed.
Does this make any more sense?
A debug screenshot:

Hi Satish!
I will give it a try and let you know - thank you so much for your time!

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