Multiple Identity Attributes Changed within the Workflow trigger the certification


I have created below workflow and it not getting created certification.

Copy of Certification finanicalcode and departmenttype Attribute Change.json (2.5 KB)


@gayare what is the issue?

@gayare .refer to the below workflow


Below filter I have applied; the issue is workflow successful executes, but certification is not getting created.

identity-attributes-changed - “filter.$”: “$.changes[?(@.attribute == "finanicalcode" || @.attribute == "departmenttype")]”,

Compare Strings : “variableA.$”: “$.trigger.changes[?(@.attribute == “finanicalcode”)].attribute”,

Compare Strings1 “variableA.$”: “$.trigger.changes[?(@.attribute == “departmenttype”)].attribute”,

Can you give me the JSON.


Any help on the above issue.

Did you check the execution logs? If not test the workflow and see “step input” and “step output” for each step and see where it is failing.


For testing, I changed one user’s finanicalcode and departmenttype. The log shows the changed user before and after attribute change value for finanicalcode and departmenttype, but the certification is getting created for all the users.**

I tested multiple times, changing the attribute for a single user, but certification is getting created for all the users
