Multiple endpoint aggregation running in loop

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Version 8.3

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So I am integrating a webservice connector application. When I started doing full aggregation tests I noticed that aggregation ran for last endpoint in loop.
Overview: My application uses more that one “Account Aggregation” operations connected via “Parent Endpoint” tab in operation configuration. I put a log in after operation rule and logged the unique name of the endpoint running. It turned out that the aggregation was stuck on last endpoint in “chain” (no matter if it was 2 endpoints or 5). It was getting same response (no paging involved). How do i fix this to stop when the last endpoint is read?

Thank You All in advance!
Best regards,

I think you use parent endpoint because you need read different attributes for the same account from distinct source, right?
Are you sure you have an unique idenitifier for correlate every child with the father endopoint?

Yes I verified that you have to use “Parent Endpoint” chaining when you specifically need something from endpoint1 to run endpoint2. I don’t. My endpoints run independently, so i deleted the parent endpoint and It works as I want it to. But that doesn’t change the fact that when i have these independent endpoints connected by “parent endpoint” they run in a loop. :thinking:

[Edit]: And Yes, they were having unique names to be run in specific order.

its so strange, the only thing what comes to mind is that:

maybe you have something that call another endpoint and restart the cycle or is a bug.

You can refill of logs, in before and after for understanding what happing. Print every you can and if you dont find anything, open a ticket.

I searche in this forum and the community and i dont find any similar problem :disappointed:

ps active the webservice connector logs

Thank You for your time and effort. I might raise a ticket with that in the end.

ps use hasMore variable?

Didn’t use it. I suppose it’s checking whether there are more records to read from that endpoint?

This is write on the documentation:

If enableHasMore is set to true as follows then the termination of aggregation would depend on the value of
hasMore attribute:

The hasMore attribute is the boolean attribute which is to be set in the transientValues map in the before/after
operation rule. Unless the value of hasMore attribute is false aggregation would not be terminated.
If enableHasMore is set to false as follows, then the aggregation would be terminated if the number of accounts
returned is zero:

try to change this value, but i dont think it resolve the problem

Unless it needs to be explicitly defined in entry to be set to true and use that behaviour then it’s not the case.

[Edit] I actually found it in application definition set to True :confused: Gonna investigate if that’s the case

Checked the hasMore, set it to false. Application was running in loop. I guess i might point out thet there is no paging set and used. Endpoint should just be read one time only.

Hi @blazejbadzio,

If the issue still persist then can you share application xml by removing your sensitive data so that the same can be validated.


I used WebServicesClient from sailpoint.connectorDependecies package and executeGet method worked as it should with URL previously replacing “illegal values” with % encoding. Case closed.

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