Moving an account from one identity to another via API

For some of our higher ed customers, the ability to use an API to move accounts from one identity to another would be critical. Specifically, since people are having potentially bad data coming in temporarily from one of a dozen data sources, we may end up with identities getting created accidentally. Once the data is fixed, we’d want to merge the records to the correct identity.

In IIQ, we’d just manually move the Link from one Identity to another (via a custom interface invoking the IIQ API), but there doesn’t seem to be a way to do this in IDN. This move also has the bonus of marking the account as manually correlated, so that it’s “sticky”, even if there’s no identity-specific identifier from the source that we can use.

Am I missing something? Or would we actually have to delete and then reload the account?

The V3 PATCH Account API can do this:

        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/identityId",
        "value": "2c9180877865d71501787f2b5ca8403e"
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/manuallyCorrelated",
        "value": true