More Info Needed Popup for Multi-User Access Request

In a single user access request, once submitted, if any extra info is needed for the provisioning, Sailpoint immediately shows a popup “More Info Needed” where the requester can manually add the required info and submit.

However, in a multi-user access request, if more info is needed for provisioning, Sailpoint does not show the popup and instead sends the requests to the background as Form workitems. The requester then has to open these workitems later, add the required info, and submit.

Is there a way to customize this behavior for multi-user access requests?

Our requirement is that even for multi-user access requests, the “More info Needed” popup should show up immediately after the request is submitted instead of the requests getting backgrounded as Form Workitems.

We got know this is a OOTB Behavior, but just a curious if anyone implemented?

Hi @vedeepak

I think it cant be done OOTB. we need to update some backend Javascripts for that.


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Yes this is OOTB behavior by the tool .

This form is triggered from the workflow and number of workflow get triggered depends on number of the user , now since if you select multiple users , workflow will get triggered in parallel so these form goes to background .

Now think even if you want to customize how this popup should look like incase you select multi users ? show multi popup opens at same time , one on top of another ?

It should be one after another so that UI will be clean. But we can restrict number of selection users.

I don’t think that would be possible until you write your own custom UI .

I got to know that popup condition is present in SailPointBundle.js file. I am playing in my sandbox to achieve but still not luck.

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