Modify the label button in the SAML SSO Logout Plugin.

Hey Fellow Dev Community Members,

When leveraging this plugin: SAML Logout Plugin/Extension - Compass ( to incorporate the logout option after enabling SAML based SSO on identityiq. But there might be an issue where a client might expect the button to be labelled as “Logout” instead of “SAML-Logout”.

And I still see this being an issue that comes up now and then. So, adding the original link to the post

Solved: Modify the label button in the SAML SSO Logout Plugin. - Compass (


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Hi @amansingh,

I was just searching for something like this and luckily found this post. This solved our use-case.



Hi Aman, you can do that by changing the name in the headerInject.js inside the UI/JS folder in the plugin files.

Hey @MuhammadMustafa,

Thanks for the response, I have documented the same in my community post back in 2023. I just shared the reference here for future contributors and developers.


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Oh, gotch now, so sorry bro, thought that you were searching for a solution not posting a one.

Good that you are sharing the info with the others :slight_smile:

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