Modified field in filter for Get All Accounts API

I am trying to filter the accounts returned from “list-accounts” API by last modified date based on the list of filters specified in

However, I am not able to figure out the format in which the date needs to be specified inside the filter string.

Please consider addressing the following when creating your topic:

  • What have you tried?
    Send a request to Get All Accounts API with filter modified ge "2025-03-06"

  • What errors did you face (share screenshots)?

  • What is the result you are getting and what were you expecting?
    I was hoping to get a response with accounts that are modified after 2025-03-06.

Any help will be greatly appreciated

Looks like it needs to be ISO 8601 format:

Example: 2015-05-28T14:07:17Z

Still same error

Are you putting quotes around the date in the URL? If so, try removing them, should be like this:

{{baseUrl}}/accounts?filters=modified ge 2025-03-06T14:07:17Z

And NOT like this:

{{baseUrl}}/accounts?filters=modified ge "2025-03-06T14:07:17Z"

In fact, without the quotes your original date would work too

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Awesome!! It worked
Thanks for the help

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You’re welcome! Glad it worked out :grinning_face: