Modified date is null on API call to /beta/access-request-approvals/completed

We have completed access requests in our API call where the modified date is not getting populated. According to the following example a modified date should be present.

Welcome to the developer community Bryan.

I believe the modified attribute is null because the database entry for the completed approval has only been created, not modified. A completed approval entry is likely different from an access request entry, so it never gets modified. There might be some confusion here because there doesn’t seem to be a way to modify a completed approval, so this can only ever be null.

I will follow up with the engineering team to verify if what I said above is true or not. If it is true, then I will update the API spec to make it clear that modified will only be null.

Thank you for the information Colin. We were under the impression that an access request created an object when it was in pending status and then updated the same object when the approval happened. According to what you are saying this is not the case. We want to process all completed access requests that have occurred in the last twenty four hours. Could we just call the API to get all completed access requests by the created date? Thanks.

Just got confirmation from engineering that a completed approval object is a different object than a pending approval object, even though they have similar fields. The modified property of a completed approval will always be null since you can’t update a completed approval, so you should use the created property in your query.

Engineering has now implemented the modified field, so it will no longer be null. The modified field correlates the closest with when the access request was completed, so please use modified when searching for access requests that have been completed in the last twenty four hours.

Hello all, sorry to resurrect an old thread, but i am still getting null data when using the modified field in a filter for gt OR ge

https://{org} gt 2023-04-21T02:00:00.000Z
this returns or Null, when i put a count=true, i see the count as 0

I know there are approvals, as i have done a few after that time…