Missing 'removeDate' Attribute in Access Request Submitted Event

Hello everyone,

We are using the Access Request Submitted event to implement a business rule in one of our workflows. However, we’ve noticed that the “removeDate” attribute is not included in the requestItems sent with the event. This attribute is crucial for our validation.

Could you please clarify if there is a specific reason for its absence? We appreciate any information on this matter.

Hi @matheusfeitosa ,

Welcome to the SailPoint Developer community.

As per Access Request Submitted | SailPoint Developer Community, the input to the subscribing services doesn’t include removeDate attribute.

Understood that removeDate attribute is present in the response of list-pending-approvals | SailPoint Developer Community API call.

I believe you have a workflow with External Trigger which gets input from the Access Request Submitted event trigger. After this step, you can include the HTTP Request action to make the list-pending-approvals | SailPoint Developer Community API call with query parameter as filters=requestedFor.id eq {{$.trigger.requestedFor.id}}. In the response of this call, you will receive the removeDate attribute. This can help you fetch the removeDate attribute and continue processing your workflow.



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