Microsoft Entra ID: Service Principal Account Management Feature is now Generally Available


:bangbang: We are super excited to share that the “Lifecycle management of Service Principals as Accounts” feature of Microsoft Entra ID Connector is now generally available in the production tenants!

We are super excited to share that the “Lifecycle management of Service Principals as Accounts” feature of Microsoft Entra ID Connector is now generally available in the production tenants!

Last year, we released this capability of the connector everywhere in the sandbox tenants and we continued to enable this feature in the production tenants as per the request only as of now. These capabilities are now generally available in all the production environments so that you can get the maximum benefit of this feature for managing your Service Principals as accounts.

In Microsoft Entra, workload identities are applications, service principals, and managed identities. Microsoft Entra ID Connector simplifies the lifecycle management for Service Principals and User-assigned managed Identities.

What is the Problem?

There was no direct way for managing Service Principals for enterprise applications.

What is the Solution?

Microsoft Entra ID Connector has following capabilities,

  • Aggregation
    • Aggregate Service Principals for enterprise applications with all the associated attributes.
    • Ability to get Service Principal Roles, Owners, Application ID details, and memberOf information.
    • Aggregate application Roles as a separate entitlement object.
  • Get or Refresh Account
  • Create Service Principals for applications
    • Create an application instance of enterprise application and then a Service Principal for that application
    • Create a Service Principals for an existing enterprise application
    • Create a Service Principals for a multi tenant enterprise application
    • While creating the applications and Service Principals for enterprise applications – Ability to add owner, ability to set password and certificates for applications.
  • Update Operation
    • Basic attributes
    • Non-basic attributes: Certificates and Secrets, Owners
    • Entitlement attributes: directoryRoles, azureADPimRoles, azurePim, azureRBACRoles, applicationRoles
  • Enable and Disable
  • Add and Remove Entitlements
    • Add and Remove Roles
    • Add and Remove User’s Group Membership
    • Add and Remove Application Role Memberships (appRoleAssignments)
    • Add and Remove PIM Role Memberships (azureActiveRoles and AzureADActiveRoles)
    • Add and Remove RBAC Role Memberships (azureRoleAssignments)
    • Add and Remove Admin Consented Delegated Permissions (spn_adminConsentedPermissions)
    • Remove User Consented Delegated Permissions (spn_userConsentedPermissions)

Documentation References

** If you are also interested to know the User-assigned Managed Identities, refer followings-

NOTE - This is an upcoming capabilities of Microsoft Entra (SaaS) Connector, which will be available soon.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us, and we would be more than happy to help you in all possible ways.



These are great additions! Exciting stuff.

We would love to be able to use the Entra connector but unfortunately can’t because IDN is unable to handle (hide) the read only AD groups AAD has a copy of.

Due to how IDN learns about entitlements during account aggregation, even if we set an entitlement filter on the Entra source to not include on-premises AD groups, all of our on-premises (replicated) AD groups are being pulled in anyway (because they are listed on the accounts).

These read only duplicate entitlements add lots of noise to our Access History and confuse our Certifiers. These entitlements are not AAD entitlements, they are mastered in AD and are read only in AAD.

At this point I believe I have to wait for a platform change before we can start using IDN with Entra/AAD. Disappointing because we have lots of interesting ideas on IDN + Entra.

More details we (and others) are experiencing with IDN; that are are slowing/preventing customers from using IDN + Entra.

Someone else made an Idea post about it: Sailpoint better handling of hybrid joined | SailPoint Ideas Portal

Hi @dinesh_mishra Is this feature of service principal account management still available in lower environment tenants or available in production only? We have enabled all the necessary Graph API permissions, yet these are not being aggregated with the feature turned on in our DEV tenant. Appreciate your thoughts on this.

Hi @shreesamarth, it is available in all the environment. Please refer to the note at Service Principal Accounts Management. Thanks!

If you want to enable additional cloud governance features for your Entra Cloud Objects (for example, visualization of effective access,Azure Cloud Object Management , such as, Management Groups, Subscriptions, Resource Groups and Role Assignment or Service Principal Accounts Management), you must have SailPoint CIEM license. Contact your SailPoint Customer Success Manager to request access and for more information.

[quote=“Dinesh Mishra, post:1, topic:33315, username:dinesh_mishra”]
[/quote] @shailpatil1

Thank you for the quick response @dinesh_mishra . We are able to pull them as accounts. At the moment we are exploring the sub-features listed under this in Feature management page. We are trying to identify the corrleating entitlement type for each. Is this something you can assist with. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
|Feature|Correlating Entitlement object type|

|Manage Azure PIM Role Memberships|Is this azureADActiveRole?|
|Manage Microsoft Entra PIM Role Memberships|Is this azureActiveRole?|
|Manage Role Memberships|Would this be ‘role’ or ‘azureRoleAssignments’ OR both?|
|Manage Application Role Memberships|Would this be ‘applicationRole’ or ‘group(appRoleAssignments)’?|
|Manage Group Memberships|Would this be ‘group’?
|Manage Microsoft Entra Role Assignment Memberships|Is this azureRoleAssignments ?|
|Manage Admin Consented Permission Memberships|adminConsentedPermissions|

Hi @shreesamarth, please open a support ticket if there is any additional issues or concern. Thanks!