Mark entitlment as privileged during aggregation

Is it possible to mark entitlements as privileged or requestable during entitlement aggregation

Currently I can see 3 possible ways which IDN allows:

  1. Mark entitlements as privileged as directly from entitlement tab in UI
  2. Download entitlements in csv and upload the csv with required changes
  3. Through entitlement API.

Is there any way this process can be automated?


  • Rashmi

The options you mentioned are viable.

To automate this you will need a custom script that can call Update Entitlement in Bulk API. The API does have a limit of max 50 entitlements to be updated at once.

If you wish to do this via Postman, you can design a Postman Flow to do it.

The question and suggested solutions seem not exactly lined up. You ask about possibilities during the aggregation. None of suggestions however are part of the aggregation flow. If you really mean aggregation, then would not just group aggregation rule fit?

I think you need to raise this in IDN forum instead of IdentityIQ selected in your question -

In IDN there are no group aggregation rules available to update entitlements during aggregation, so you need to update it beforehand , so either your 3 options or you can follow the suggestion Sharvari has provided.

Thank you everyone!!

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