Manipulate Time in IdentityIQ

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.2

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Our SailPoint environment gets an HR file pushed nightly which contains all the HR data of identities. A column in there is the ‘effective date’ which our workflows use to disable/delete/trigger identities and other workflows.
I am wanting to test an identity going on leave for more than the allocated time (30 days) by continuously changing the effective date to todays date to prevent deletion of the account. I believe this will work, but I’m looking to see if there is a way to manipulate the time in Sailpoint to emulate 30 days.

Hi Alyson,
There are 2 options

  1. You can use Sailpoint TimeMachine which is I believe part of SSD (identityiq/debug/timeMachine.jsf)
  2. You can use this Time Machine Alternative

To enable the TimeMachine as mentioned by Kamil in his first option, add the following line to the System Configuration:

<entry key="timeMachineEnabled" value="true"/>

(goto the debug pages, ObjectType Configuration and open the SystemConfiguration object)

The Time Machine is specially created for your use-cases :slight_smile:

– Remold

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I believe time machine feature only works for workitem reminder and escalations. I don’t think there is a good way you will be able to test it other than what you are already doing by changing the effective date.