Managing Entitlements - SailPoint Identity Services

Entitlements are the access rights an account has on a source. They're a key part of identity governance and an important way of quantifying access. They can be:

This is the companion discussion topic for the documentation at

3 posts were split to a new topic: Verify membership count of entitlements

It has come to my attention that the entitlements are using the Search API, rather than directly calling the entitlements endpoint. This means that the Entitlements now fall under the requirements of Search, which includes the 24 hour delay to be indexed. If the Entitlements are not indexed, they do NOT show up in the Entitlement Catalog, Search, or Certifications, even those they can be seen on the source. THe only mention of this 24 hour delay is in the Search FAQ and even then it is not specific to the entitlements.

The documentation should be updated to Include this reference for any location within the code that uses the Search API beyond those 3 I mentioned from my investigations.

Hi Geoff! This is really helpful info–thank you! I created SAASDOCS-8001 to clarify that behavior throughout our docs.

Hi Geoff, The entitlement docs have been updated. We’ll continue to review to see if further updates are needed. Thank you!

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