Manager Correlation

If a source has both, managerCorrelationMapping and managerCorrelationRule configurations present which one is used for actually correlating the manager to identity? Or both are used and managerCorrelationMapping takes priority?

"managerCorrelationMapping": {
    "identityAttributeName": "distinguishedName",
    "accountAttributeName": "ownerDn"
"managerCorrelationRule": {
    "type": "RULE",
    "id": "717a91a3b1c64e6781ddd8621b1752b9",
    "name": "Cloud Correlate Manager by AccountId"

The documentation suggests both the configurations are required. Is that true?

Here the term “both” refers to the 2 points that follow the sentence…

As per my understanding, the Manager Correlation Rule would hardly be required as it is to be used when manager correlation cannot be configured using basic Manager Correlation settings available in the UI, which I think is rarely a case

I understand the documentation points. The Identity Profile behind the scenes uses the following standard rule i believe unless a custom one is specified. So the question still remains, which one does IDN use and how?

Hi @sharvari_shah
I have faced a situation where in I configured Manager correlation mapping in the source but correlation was not happening.

As you mentioned above, the “Cloud Correlation Manager by AccountId” is the default rule available in IDN and uses AccountId of the source to correlate.

After troubleshooting I found that, If we want our manager correlation mapping to work we need to remove the above OOTB rule and run the aggregation

{"op": "remove","path": "/managerCorrelationRule"}

Yes, i thought the same and I removed it too but it still didn’t work in my case.

If a correlation rule is configured, it will take precedence over the mapping.

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