Making API requests with Postman - plugin

I am trying to make a simple API request test with Postman for a plugin, as the example from Adam Creanyes introduction to plugins in Sailpoint:

I get responses from Postman and it is successful, my baseUrl is set to the IIQ instance on AWS and I use basic authentication with spadmin and password in the call:

However it does not work exactly as I want it to, the method getActiveAccounts is not returning anything, it is as if my Backend java classes do nothing and my Path mapping is not working correctly in the class.
Here is my file structure, it is maven/spring boot:

Anyone has any ideas how to correctly make API calls? I will use this to extract active/inactive accounts in IIQ. Thank you.

Just try returning the actual Java object from the endpoint method (similar to how the getPluginName method is set up). For example, return a String type from your method for your responseString variable you’ve created. I’ve always returned the Java data type in these methods which works.

I was missing some imports from JAX-RS, still doesn’t work.

I am getting “Request scope has been already shut down.” when sending the request in Postman, anyone has any experience with that error message?

Why not respond with a Map like:

public Map<String, Object> getActiveAccounts() throws GeneralException {

If correct you will see the output as a JSon object.

– Remold

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