Looking for list of types for account activity query parameters


Is there a list of possible values I can use to filter the account activity types? I am using the “filter” query parameter.


I’ve seen the list of account action types in the beta API documentation, but filtering on “Account Attribute Updates” does not produce any results, while filtering on “AccountAttributeUpdate” gives me the results I am looking for.

Thank you in advance!

Welcome to the developer community Jeanne.

Please check out Searchable Fields - SailPoint Identity Services for a list of types that you can filter on. However, the names in that list might not match up exactly with the names in the API. It might not also be complete, as more activity types could have been added.

This should at least get you started. I have created a ticket internally for us to provide a complete and accurate list.

I think I have tracked down the correct list of strings that can be used in the type filter. I will update the API spec accordingly, but I’ll put them here anyway. Please let me know if you encounter any more types that aren’t present in this list. You can filter on these types using the following query param:

https://{tenant}.api.identitynow.com/v3/account-activities?filters=type eq "AccountAttributeUpdate"
  • CloudAutomated
  • IdentityAttributeUpdate
  • appRequest
  • LifecycleStateChange
  • AccountStateUpdate
  • AccountAttributeUpdate
  • CloudPasswordRequest
  • Attribute Synchronization Refresh
  • Certification
  • Identity Refresh
  • Lifecycle Change Refresh
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Hi Colin! Thank you so much for providing this list. I’ve also encountered an activity type “Lifecycle Change Refresh”.

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