Logs to Json format to support observability

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Version 8.2

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Is there any way in SailPoint to generate the logs in JSON format. This is to support observability. We are using data for monitoring through JSON. Anyone tried custom solution to generate in JSON this would help us improve Observability.

Whats logs you are talking about?

  • OOTB logs using log4j2
  • custom logging using log4j2?
  • data getting written in Audit ?

Hey Gautami,

Welcome to the Developer Community!

I don’t think there’s a direct way to do that but here’s a suggestion:
Go to identityiq>web-inf>classes>log4j2.properties file

# Below is an example of how to create a logger that writes to a file.
# Uncomment the following five lines, then uncomment the 
# rootLogger.appenderRef.file.ref definition below
#appender.file.layout.pattern=%d{ISO8601} %5p %t %c{4}:%L - %m%n

You’ll find this section commented out around line~52

You can store it in a file and maybe write a code/function to convert this log into JSON format/key value pairs.

Also here’s a tool I use to better follow the logs:

I hope this helps!

Thanks & Regards