In large organizations, it’s common to encounter multiple applications or application instances that rely on Active Directory (AD) groups for membership. When on-boarding these applications to SailPoint IIQ, Logiplex is a suitable utility available within the SailPoint community. It allows applications to be on-boarded as individual applications linked to AD groups, facilitating access requests, certification, and reporting.
Standard Logiplex Rule
The standard Logiplex rule identifies unique groups for applications. However, in cases where multiple application instances use the same group but need to be represented as separate applications, a modified split rule is required.
Modified Split Rule
The modified split rule works with a customization rule to create multiple application links for the same group, as specified in a custom object. It also creates separate entitlement catalog objects for each application, ensuring that the group description displays correctly for each sub-application.
Here’s a code snippet demonstrating the modified split rule:
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import sailpoint.object.ResourceObject;
import sailpoint.object.Custom;
import sailpoint.object.Identity;
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("com.rule.logiplexSplit");
>> public List resolveApplication(String name) {
List appList = new ArrayList();
if (Util.isNotNullOrEmpty(name)) {
//custom object contains groups and application name as key value pair
Custom customObject = context.getObjectByName(Custom.class, "_Logiplex_Custom");
if (customObject != null) {
HashMap hashMap = customObject.getAttributes().getMap();
logger.debug(" hashMap " + hashMap);
for (Map.Entry m: hashMap.entrySet()) {
String groups = m.getKey();
logger.debug(" groups from map is " + groups);
List listofGroup = new ArrayList();
listofGroup = Util.csvToList(groups);
logger.debug(" listofGroup " + listofGroup);
logger.debug(" name to match is " + name);
if (listofGroup.contains(name)) {
logger.debug("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Group found " + name);
String[] values = m.getValue().split(",");
if (values.length > 0) {
logger.debug("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Application returned " + Arrays.toString(values));
} else if (!m.getValue().isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Application returned " + m.getValue());
} else {
logger.debug("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Application returned empty value");
if (null == appList || appList.isEmpty())
logger.debug("not matched is---------- " + application.getName());
return appList;
String applicationName = application.getName();
Map map = new HashMap();
if ("account".equals(object.getObjectType())) {
List groups = object.getStringList("groups");
//logger.debug("******** Groups are ******* " + groups);
if (groups != null && !groups.isEmpty()) {
Map groupMap = new HashMap();
groupMap = util.updateListMap(groupMap, applicationName, null);
for (String group: groups) {
logger.debug(" +++++++++ " + " sending group name to resolve " + group);
List appNames = resolveApplication(group);
for (String appName: appNames) {
if (Util.isNotNullOrEmpty(appName)) {
groupMap = util.updateListMap(groupMap, appName.trim(), group);
logger.debug("Group Map " + groupMap);
Set keys = groupMap.keySet();
if (!keys.isEmpty()) {
for (String key: keys) {
List appGroups = groupMap.get(key);
ResourceObject cloneObject = object.deepCopy(context);
if (!Util.isEmpty(appGroups)) {
cloneObject.put("groups", appGroups);
cloneObject.put("description", "Aggregated with logiplex application aggregation");
} else {
//removing this will take groups off from main azure ad account, that may result in existing role assignment issues
map.put(key, cloneObject);
} else {
map.put(applicationName, object);
} else {
map.put(applicationName, object);
else if ("group".equals(object.getObjectType())) {
String nativeIdentity = object.getIdentity();
List appnamesList= resolveApplication(nativeIdentity);
if (!Util.isEmpty(appnamesList))
for (String appName : appnamesList)
ResourceObject cloneGrpObject = object.deepCopy(context);
map.put(appName, cloneGrpObject);
//ResourceObject cloneGrpObject = object.deepCopy(context);
map.put(applicationName, object);
map.put(applicationName, object);
}else {
map.put(applicationName, object);
return map;
With this modified split rule, you can effectively manage multiple applications that use the same AD group but need to be distinct in SailPoint IIQ.
For more information, visit the Logiplex community or refer to the following URL: