Log Level Modifier Plugin

:spiral_notepad: Description An IIQ plugin which allows modifying log4j log levels of all OOTB and custom java classes
:balance_scale: Legal Agreement By using this CoLab item, you are agreeing to SailPoint’s Terms of Service for our developer community and open-source CoLab.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link GitHub - sailpoint-oss/colab-log-level-modifier-plugin
:open_book: New to IIQ Plugins in the CoLab? Read the getting started guide for IIQ Plugins in the CoLab.
:hospital: Supported by Community Developed


Log4j levels are normally set in the build in properties file. It’s deployed and take effect once the server is started. This plugin allows setting any logger level to any value dynamically in the IIQ GUI. So every time you need to change any logger level for example to debug or trace you don’t have to restart the server.
Keep in mind that changing level using this plugin only changes them in memory so after restart all levels go back to their defaults from properties file.


All you need is running IdentityIQ server.


Building plugin:
This is a gradle build. For detailed instructions on gradle please visit here.
The target that will build the plugin is buildPluginZip. (The command line invocation would be gradle buildPluginZip)
The best way to build this is to import the project in to your favorite IDE (IntelliJ, Eclipse, VS) and run gradle target from the GUI. All IDEs support that.
Run this target and it will build the zip file containing the plugin (ready for IIQ deployment) in \dist directory.

Using that zip file, install the plugin and go to "Hamburger menu → Administration → Manage Log Levels

You have to have “SystemAdministrator” capability to access this.


it looks like a great usefull plugin but you should provide the a zip already builded as release on your repo.

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This is a stretch of an ask, however, is there a way to view the logs from the UI instead of logging onto the servers?

@ishanso that could be a nice add on. Please feel free to develop that. It wouldn’t be all that difficult. You can just add another logger to log4j configuration to log to DB and then just show the content in the plugin.