Loading Entitlements - SailPoint Identity Services

Entitlements are the access rights an account has on a source. Each source’s account schema specifies which account attributes represent its entitlements. When you aggregate accounts, the accounts are marked with the entitlements they have, creating a simple representation of the entitlements in the source’s entitlement catalog.

This is the companion discussion topic for the documentation at https://documentation.sailpoint.com/saas/help/setup/load_entitlements.html

Documentation states that “Multiple entitlement types are not supported in flat file sources”. However, the interface allows them, and they seem to work. Is this a documentation deficiency or are there problems not readily visible?

Hi Robert! Thank you for your input. We’ve created a Jira issue to track the effort and we’ll update the comment thread when it’s been addressed: SAASDOCS-7876

Hi Robert! Thank you for helping us improve our documentation. Based on your feedback, we’ve updated Loading Entitlements. Entitlement types are supported on flat files and the documentation needed an update. Thanks!

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I don’t see Menu > Cancel to cancel the entitlement aggregation in latest entitlement aggregation as mentioned in the documentation. We can only view details under latest entitlement aggregation/aggregation history for entitlement aggregation. Is it not possible to cancel/terminate the entitlement aggregation through UI or any?

Hi Priyanka! I’m going to look in to this - but in the meantime, do you see a “Cancel” button, outside of a menu?

Hello Rebekah! I don’t see “Cancel” button.

Thanks for the update, Priyanka. I’ve checked with our developers and confirmed that entitlement aggregations can’t be canceled, so we’ve updated our documentation to reflect that.

If you’d like this to be added, check out our Idea Discussions category and submit an idea.

Thank you for helping to improve our docs!

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