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Hi everyone,
although using SailPoint since 3 years, I’ve come across an unexpected request which made me realize there’s a whole new field in SailPoint which I’m not experienced with. We have to let another application (ServiceNow) read data from SailPoint about Certification Campaigns. The goal is to achieve this integration without CSV files, does anyone know how I can do it? APIs? Other methods? Could I get a link to a guide to follow?
Thank you so much,
I dont think exists an api to read the certification data.
Thinking on a possibile solution you can use the API to launch a custom workflow and into this wf you try to read the data and return it.
Also, you can a “reverse” solution, using a wf/rule to write on ServiceNow.
@shaleed you can use API based Approch which is scim related one please check below document.
Also as you are talking about Service now so now sailpoint already having plugin which can be used in Service now side to access request and all other . You can see below document
you can use a rule where can build your call. Depending of the funcion that want use maybe you need import some library into the environment.
Also, you can schedule a task to launch this rule when you want or other solution its use a webservice connector to have more functionality but depends how you want to do.
Hi Emanuele,
the rule option is clear to me and looks fine. But what if I want to use the webservice connector? We have couple integrations made with the connector already but it’s for reading users, groups and entitlements data from the target application. In this case I should send (i guess through a POST call) certification data to the target application. Is it possible to use this connector for “sending data to application” rather than “reading data from application”? I cannot figure it out.
Hi M,
the goal is to send certification campaigns data from SailPoint to ServiceNow. The options you gave are for integrating ServiceNow with SailPoint for provisioning or for handling access reviews executed in ServiceNow with consequential provisioning actions on SailPoint (e.g. create users, disable users, etc.). Am I wrong?