(Christopher Knapp)
October 9, 2024, 7:05pm
We are using IIQ v8.3
I am being asked to have an email sent to the manager of any Leaver that belongs to a specific group of Identities, we don’t send leaver emails to managers in general.
I have a role, “Senior_Execs”, which is the group of people that need notified when a direct report is terminated.
I may be going in the complete wrong direction here and I’m hoping some of you EXPERTS can chime in on a different/better method or comment on where I may be going wrong with this idea.
Since the Role already exists, I found a post that mentioned using the LoopBack Connector to allow assigning all members of this Role to a Workgroup. (I’ll still need to figure out how to accomplish this!!)
Once the Workgroup is populated by all the members of the Role, I was going to put this block of code into my AfterProvisioningRule. We send some other emails from this area for IT tasks etc. during Leaver process.
I know you can read this better than I, but I’ll explain what I’m hopefully trying to do. This is pieced together from a few posts I found on here.
For the Identity being processed in the Leaver Workflow, I get the ManagerName and ManagerEmail.
I get the Workgroup and iterate through it looking to see if the manager is a member of this Workgroup.
If Manager is found in the Workgroup I then drop in and send the Termination Notice Email to the Manager.
Identity iden = context.getObjectByName(Identity.class,identityName);
String leavermgrname = iden.getManager().getDisplayName();
String leavermgremail = iden.getManager().getEmail();
Identity workgroup = context.getObjectByName(Identity.class, “Senior_Execs”);
Iterator groupMembers = ObjectUtil.getWorkgroupMembers(context, workgroup, null);
While (groupMembers.hasNext()) {
Object[] object = (Object[]);
Identity member = (Identity) object[0];
if(member.getName().equals(leavermgrname)) {
Map ExecDirectReportEmailArgs = new HashMap();
ExecDirectReportEmailArgs.put("emailTemplate","Leaver Executive Direct Report Email Template");
llogger.trace("Email Arg List prepared "+emailArgList);
Am I headed in a logical/correct direction with all of this? Any thoughts suggestions are greatly appreciated!!
(Christopher Knapp)
October 9, 2024, 9:26pm
Still pushing forward with this, hoping it’s the correct way.
I got the loopback connector to populate the workgroup!
Got through a few errors but now stuck with this one, hopefully someone has some ideas!
Looks like I’m stuck at this line for some reason -
Iterator groupMembers = ObjectUtil.getWorkgroupMembers(context, workgroup, null);
2024-10-09T16:04:57,464 ERROR QuartzScheduler_Worker-1 sailpoint.task.IdentityRefreshExecutor:1649 - RefreshWorker 1 exception: BeanShell script error: bsh.ParseException: Parse error at line 608, column 10. Encountered: groupMembers BSF info: SPCONF Leaver Rules Library at line: 0 column: columnNo BeanShell script error: bsh.ParseException: Parse error at line 608, column 10. Encountered: groupMembers BSF info: SPCONF Leaver Rules Library at line: 0 column: columnNo
at sailpoint.server.BSFRuleRunner.runRule( ~[identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at sailpoint.server.InternalContext.runRule( ~[identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at sailpoint.server.InternalContext.runRule( ~[identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at sailpoint.object.IdentityTrigger.matches( ~[identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at sailpoint.api.Identitizer.matchTriggers( ~[identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at sailpoint.api.Identitizer.processTriggers( ~[identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at sailpoint.api.Identitizer.processTriggers( ~[identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at sailpoint.api.Identitizer.finishRefresh( ~[identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at sailpoint.api.Identitizer.refresh( ~[identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at sailpoint.task.IdentityRefreshExecutor$RefreshWorker.refreshAndProcess( [identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at sailpoint.task.IdentityRefreshExecutor$RefreshWorkerPool.queue( [identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at sailpoint.task.IdentityRefreshExecutor.refresh( [identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at sailpoint.task.IdentityRefreshExecutor.execute( [identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at sailpoint.api.TaskManager.runSync( [identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at sailpoint.api.TaskManager.runSync( [identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at sailpoint.scheduler.JobAdapter.execute( [identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at [quartz-2.3.2.jar:?]
at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$ [quartz-2.3.2.jar:?]
Caused by: org.apache.bsf.BSFException: BeanShell script error: bsh.ParseException: Parse error at line 608, column 10. Encountered: groupMembers BSF info: SPCONF Leaver Rules Library at line: 0 column: columnNo
at bsh.util.BeanShellBSFEngine.eval( ~[bsh-2.1.8.jar:2.1.8 2018-10-02 08:36:04]
at org.apache.bsf.BSFManager$ ~[bsf.jar:?]
at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_161]
at org.apache.bsf.BSFManager.eval( ~[bsf.jar:?]
at sailpoint.server.BSFRuleRunner.eval( ~[identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
at sailpoint.server.BSFRuleRunner.runRule( ~[identityiq.jar:8.3 Build f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259]
... 17 more
(Renad Quku)
October 10, 2024, 2:00am
It looks like you are using If and While not in a valid Java notation, just rewriting to if and while should do the job ,)
Also quotation marks seems odd to me, but that may just be a copy / paste error.
1 Like
(Christopher Knapp)
October 10, 2024, 2:15pm
Sometimes it is the simplest of things!! Can’t thank you enough, that worked!
1 Like
December 9, 2024, 2:15pm
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