Struggling with working LDAP query for OU filter on AD connector.
I am pulling from top level OU, but need to filter out all sub-OUs that have name “External Users”. There are too many of those (in each location) so adding only what i need to sync is not an option.
Plus for Account name in schema we use SamAccountName, not DistinguishedName.
I really would like to utilize LDAP query functionality, as it is there (screenshot from above).
It seems that filter does not support wildcards (*), if i go with specific user distinguished name, it actually filters it out, but asa i use * to filter out OU, it fails
The distinguishedName attribute cannot be queried with wildcard in LDAP queries, unfortunately. That is a limitation of LDAP queries, as far as I remember.
Is there an attribute that External Users have that can be used as a part of the query, instead of the OU itself? Perhaps something like employeeType in the example below:
Also, depending on the OU structure, perhaps you can list all the OU’s as OU’s to search and just not list the External Users OU. For example, in the Source connector attributes:
@pmandal that query is not working as well. From all the testing i can see that LDAP queries in Sailpoint do not support wildcard (*) for DN. I figured out another way. EmployeeID is empty for externals, so i have used below to pick up Externals: (&(objectClass=person)(!(employeeID=*)))