LCS Transform not calculating correct value

Hi Sailpoint,

We are trying to configure a separate Lifecycle State for contractors. The Lifecycle state is taking the value from the attribute ‘hrStatus’ through the csv feed file. The transform is applied to lifecycle state in the Identity Profile Mapping section as below:


"attributes": {

    "requiresPeriodicRefresh": "true",

        "cType": {

            "attributes": {

                "values": [


                        "attributes": {

                            "sourceName": "Powered HR Source",

                            "attributeName": "hrStatus"


                        "type": "identityAttribute"





            "type": "firstValid"


        "value": "#if($cType==\"contractor\")contractor#{else}active#end"


    "type": "static",

    "name": "Test_Static_Transform_with_firstValid"


The tranform does not evaluate the value and gives ‘active’ value only irrespective of active or contractor being passed through hrStatus attribute.
Any suggestions would be helpful.


Your syntax of the value statement seems wrong.

“value”: “#if($cType== ‘contractor’)contractor#{else}active#end”

This format has always worked for me. No need to escape the quotes, just use single quotations. I believe SailPoint documentation has it this way also.

Hi @Mahak14,

Please, try changing the type from the “identityAttribute” to the “accountAttribute”.


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