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Hi Everyone,
Has anyone faced failed to lazily initialize a collection of role : sailpoint.object.Rule.referenceRuls, could not initialize proxy - no Session issue ?
We were facing this error message in Aggregation tasks as well as certification perform maintainace task.
Although after tomcat restart we are no longer facing this issue but still i dont have the root cause why this happened and how to resolve in future.
Hi and Hello,
The issue you’re describing is related to Hibernate’s lazy initialization, which is a common problem in Java applications that use Hibernate for ORM (Object-Relational Mapping). The error “failed to lazily initialize a collection” typically occurs when you try to access a lazily-loaded collection outside of the session in which it was loaded. In the context of SailPoint, this can happen in various tasks like aggregation or certification maintenance tasks where Hibernate sessions are heavily utilized.
Ensure Proper Session Management: Verify that the Hibernate sessions are correctly managed in your application. Sessions should be opened and closed appropriately. In some cases, especially with batch operations like aggregations or maintenance tasks, the session may be closed before all lazy collections are accessed.
Fetch Strategy: Consider changing the fetch strategy from lazy to eager for collections that are frequently accessed and causing issues. This can be done directly in your Hibernate mappings or via annotations. For example, if referenceRules is the collection causing the issue, you might change its fetch type in the mapping:
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private Set referenceRules;
Be cautious with this approach as it can lead to performance degradation if not used judiciously.
Initialize Collections Explicitly : If changing the fetch strategy is not desirable, you can explicitly initialize lazy collections using Hibernate.initialize() method or by accessing the collection within the session boundary. For example:
if (!Hibernate.isInitialized(entity.getReferenceRules())) {
Restarting Tomcat (or any application server) typically resolves the issue temporarily by reinitializing the Hibernate session factory and all associated caches, but it’s not a sustainable solution as you’ve noticed.
The changes you are considering can be applied to both the rule classes used during aggregation and the classes where collections associated with these rules are loaded. Here’s what you should consider in both scenarios:
In rule classes used during aggregation:
In classes where collections are loaded:
Maybe you need to give me more information about what application you aggregate. Type of connection and some code.