Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?
Wondering is there a way for us to launch a plugin from the workflow?
Wondering is there a way for us to launch a plugin from the workflow?
Can you provide more details about the specific context you are referring to?
Hi Deepak,
Currently we have a Workflow that will displayed a registration form as following:
However, we need to have extra features in the form. Hence, we have implement a plugin to host the form.
Is there a way for us to launch the plugin via a workflow?
As far I know that plugin will execute based on regexPatter which is configured on manifest file. For example like below
ex: If regexPattern = . then it means plugin will execute in all pages.
I haven’t tried to execute the plugin on OOTB form, but you can give it a try. If you have specified URL which the form is loading then you can configure in regexPattern.
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