Joiner Failure While Provisioning

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An unexpected error occurred: Exception evaluating rule: FieldValueRule error declaring bean: manager : bsh.EvalError: Can’t assign java.lang.String to sailpoint.object.Identity : at Line: -1 : in file: :

An unexpected error occurred: The application script threw an exception: Unable to generate email arguments for Joiner. BSF info: script at line: 0 column: columnNo

Hi, I’ve been getting these two errors above when joiner is trying to trigger. This is happening only to accounts that belong to a certain domain. However, this is not happening for all users in that domain, some are going through without errors.

This error is also showing up when I’m trying to add entitlements to an account in that domain.

The FieldValueRule references a common library rule from where the 2nd error arises.

Any idea on where to look or what could be causing this? Thanks!

Hi @Aaronlobo11,

about this you have its caused because in the attribute manager of an identity you are pass a string istead of identity. I think you have a rule that calculate the identity manager, maybe some user have a values that rule dont recalculate correctly.

about this, I am not sure if its regarding the email of identity or the email to send a notification.

Can you share more info about the entire joiner process? When a new identity is created what happend?

Hi Emanuele,
This was working before I imported 3 email templates. I don’t know if it would be related.
This is not only happening during joiner but even when I try to add or remove entitlements.

Nothing has been changed besides that. The FieldValueRule is the same.

ok, so I can image the problem is on email template where on that is calculated the manager and the email to send the notifications. Review the template to find the problem.

The email template is not calculating anything. It’s just sent out when joiner is triggered for a user.

Also it worked for 2 out of 12 users.

so, I remake my firsts questions:

what about on the manager on those account?
Can you share more info about the entire joiner process? When a new identity is created what happend?

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