Jdbc rule provisioning

Dear community,
I have a question about the file is in the vm

<Rule language="beanshell" name="TRNG-JDBCProvision-TimeTracking" type="JDBCProvision">
  <Description>A Provisioning rule for the Time Tracking application. Handles Account Creates/Deletes/Modifies/Unlocks/Enables/Disables</Description>
  <Signature returnType="ProvisioningResult">
      <Argument name="log">
          The log object associated with the SailPointContext.
      <Argument name="context">
          A sailpoint.api.SailPointContext object that can be used to query the database if necessary.
      <Argument name="application">
                The application whose data file is being processed.
      <Argument name="schema">
                The Schema currently in use.
      <Argument name="connection">
                A connection object to connect to database.
      <Argument name="plan">
                The ProvisioningPlan created against the logical application.
      <Argument name="result">
                A Provisioning Result object is desirable to return the status.IT can be a new object or part of  Provisioning Plan
  <Source>import java.util.Date;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.List;
import sailpoint.api.SailPointContext;
import sailpoint.connector.JDBCConnector;
import sailpoint.object.Application;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.AccountRequest;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.AttributeRequest;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.PermissionRequest;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningResult;
import sailpoint.object.Schema;
import sailpoint.tools.xml.XMLObjectFactory;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import sailpoint.tools.Util;

		// Internal method for grabbing an Attribute Request Value.
	   public Object getAttributeRequestValue(AccountRequest acctReq, String attribute) {
	    	if ( acctReq != null ) {
	    	  AttributeRequest attrReq = acctReq.getAttributeRequest(attribute);
	    	  if ( attrReq != null ) {
	    	    return attrReq.getValue();
	    	return null;

// JDBC Provisioning Rule Body
// We will handle these cases right now: 
// Account Request Create
// Account Request Modify
// Account Request Delete
// Account Lock/Unlock
// Account Enable/Disable
Date now = new Date();

System.out.println("Entering Provisioning Rule for Time Tracking");
System.out.println(" Current Time =  " + now.toString());

// The ProvisioningResult is the return object for this type of rule. We'll create it here and then populate it later

ProvisioningResult result = new ProvisioningResult();

// Check if the plan is null or not, if not null, process it... 

if ( plan != null ) {

	System.out.println("*** \n The Provisioning Plan being passed in = \n***\n" + plan.toXml() + "\n****************************************");

	List accounts = plan.getAccountRequests();
	//  Get all Account Requests out of the plan

	if ( ( accounts != null ) &amp;&amp; ( accounts.size() &gt; 0 ) ) {
		// If the plan contains one or more account requests, we'll iterate through them
		for ( AccountRequest account : accounts ) {
			try {
				// All of the account operations will reside in a try block in case we have any errors, we can mark the provisioningresult as "Failed" if we have an issue.

				if (AccountRequest.Operation.Create.equals(account.getOperation())) {

					// CREATE Operation
					System.out.println("Account Request Operation = Create");

					PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("insert into users (id,firstname,lastname,capability,status,locked,username) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
					statement.setString(1, (String) account.getNativeIdentity());
					statement.setString(2, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "firstname"));
					statement.setString(3, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "lastname"));
					statement.setString(5, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "status"));
					statement.setString(6, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "locked"));
					statement.setString(7, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "username"));
					 // Grab the role from the request. If it's a single role, it'll be a string, add it to 
					 // the statement, other wise if it's a List, convert to CSV and add it to the statement
					 AttributeRequest attrReq = account.getAttributeRequest("capability");
					 if (attrReq != null) {
								if (attrReq.getValue() instanceof String) {
									statement.setString(4, (String) attrReq.getValue());
								} else if (attrReq.getValue() instanceof List) {
									String listOfRoles = Util.listToCsv((List) attrReq.getValue());
									statement.setString(4, listOfRoles);
					 } else {

					System.out.println("Preparing to execute: " + statement);
					// Sucessful Create, so mark result as COMMITTED

				} else if (AccountRequest.Operation.Modify.equals(account.getOperation())) {
					// MODIFY Operation
					// We have a modify, this one is trickier, as we can have "Add" and "Remove" 
					// operations and each can be a single string value or a list

					System.out.println("Account Request Operation = Modify");

					// Determine what the current roles are first... 

					Statement curr_stmt = connection.createStatement();
					ResultSet rs = curr_stmt .executeQuery("select * from users where id = '" + account.getNativeIdentity() + "'");

					//  Check result set. Should only be one row since id is a unique key for the table
					List current_roles = null;
					String roles = "";

					while (rs.next()) {
					   roles = roles + "," + rs.getString("capability");
					current_roles = Util.csvToList(roles,true);
					if (current_roles == null) {
						System.out.println("We have a null current_roles list... change it to an empty list for subsequent processing.");
						current_roles = new ArrayList();

					System.out.println("Current Roles for User = " + Util.listToCsv(current_roles));

					// Get all Attribute Requests and pull out just the role ones. 
					List remove_roles = new ArrayList();
					List add_roles = new ArrayList(); 
					// Get all attribute requests and then we will filter for those related to the roles column
					List mod_attr_requests = account.getAttributeRequests();
					if (mod_attr_requests != null) {
						for (AttributeRequest req : mod_attr_requests ) {
								if (req.getName().equals("capability")) {
								   if (ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Remove.equals(req.getOperation())) {
										// Process Removes First
										if (req.getValue() instanceof String) {
												  remove_roles = Util.csvToList(req.getValue());
										} else if (req.getValue() instanceof List) {
												  remove_roles = req.getValue();                
									} else if (ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Add.equals(req.getOperation())) {
										// Process Adds Second
										if (req.getValue() instanceof String) {
												   add_roles = Util.csvToList(req.getValue());
										} else if (req.getValue() instanceof List) {
												  add_roles = req.getValue();                     

					//  We now have a calculated list of the roles we are adding, the roles we are removing, and the current roles for the user.
					System.out.println("Add Roles = " + Util.listToCsv(add_roles));
					System.out.println("Remove Roles = " + Util.listToCsv(remove_roles));

					// If we have roles to remove, remove them
					if (!remove_roles.isEmpty()) {
						System.out.println("About to remove roles: " + remove_roles.toString() + "from the current_roles = " + current_roles.toString());
					// If we have roles to add, check if they are there and add them as we iterate through
					if (!add_roles.isEmpty()) {
						System.out.println("About to add roles: " + add_roles.toString() + " to the current_roles = " + current_roles.toString());
						for (Object item: add_roles) {
							 if (!current_roles.contains(item)) {
					//  Print out the list of roles being provisioned after processing "add" and "remove" operations
					System.out.println("Updating the roles for:" + (String) account.getNativeIdentity() + " Current Roles after adding/removing = " + Util.listToCsv(current_roles)); 

					// Process update SQL operation

					PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("update users set capability = ? where id = ?");
					statement.setString(2, (String) account.getNativeIdentity());

					// Add these in the future.
					// statement.setString ( 2,
					// getAttributeRequestValue(account,"first") );
					// statement.setString ( 3,
					// getAttributeRequestValue(account,"last") );
					// statement.setString ( 4,
					// getAttributeRequestValue(account,"capability") );
					// statement.setString ( 5,
					// getAttributeRequestValue(account,"status") );


				} else if (AccountRequest.Operation.Delete.equals(account.getOperation())) {
					// DELETE Operation

					System.out.println("Account Request Operation = Delete");
					PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("delete from users where id = ?");
					statement.setString(1, (String) account.getNativeIdentity());


				} else if (AccountRequest.Operation.Disable.equals(account.getOperation())) {

System.out.println("Account Request Operation = Disable");
	PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("update users set status = 'I' where id = ?");
					statement.setString(1, (String) account.getNativeIdentity());

				} else if (AccountRequest.Operation.Enable.equals(account.getOperation())) {

System.out.println("Account Request Operation = Enable");
	PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("update users set status = 'A' where id = ?");
					statement.setString(1, (String) account.getNativeIdentity());

				} else if (AccountRequest.Operation.Lock.equals(account.getOperation())) {

System.out.println("Account Request Operation = Lock");
	PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("update users set locked = 'Y' where id = ?");
					statement.setString(1, (String) account.getNativeIdentity());

				} else if (AccountRequest.Operation.Unlock.equals(account.getOperation())) {

System.out.println("Account Request Operation = Unlock");
	PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("update users set locked = 'N' where id = ?");
					statement.setString(1, (String) account.getNativeIdentity());

				} else {

					// Unknown operation!
					System.out.println("Unknown operation ["
							+ account.getOperation() + "]!");

			} catch (SQLException e) {
                        System.out.println("Error: " + e);
		}    // account request loop
	}     // if account requests exist
}   // if plan not null

System.out.println("Exiting Provisioning Rule for Time Tracking. \n  Result=  \n" + result.toXml(false));

return result;</Source>

My question is on the comment for future statement.setString. Is that correct?? should be
3, 4, 5??? becuase 1 and 2 are already taken?

  			statement.setString(2, (String) account.getNativeIdentity());
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("update users set capability = ? where id = ?");
					statement.setString(2, (String) account.getNativeIdentity());

					// Add these in the future.
					// statement.setString ( 2,
					// getAttributeRequestValue(account,"first") );
					// statement.setString ( 3,
					// getAttributeRequestValue(account,"last") );
					// statement.setString ( 4,
					// getAttributeRequestValue(account,"capability") );
					// statement.setString ( 5,
					// getAttributeRequestValue(account,"status") );


Yes, your understanding is correct.

You can set the index in order to pass the arguments to your SQL query.

ok, thank you, so to be sure, i should adjust those comments to:
// Add these in the future.
// statement.setString ( 3,
// getAttributeRequestValue(account,“first”) );
// statement.setString ( 4,
// getAttributeRequestValue(account,“last”) );
// statement.setString ( 5,
// getAttributeRequestValue(account,“capability”) );
// statement.setString ( 6,
// getAttributeRequestValue(account,“status”) );

Yes kind of, your should update your PreparedStatement as well.

PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("update users set capability = ? where id = ?");

Here the first argument in your query is capability, second one is id.

Accordingly you are setting strings to your statement following order.

statement.setString(2, (String) account.getNativeIdentity());

You should update your query as well, for example

PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("update users set capability = ?, firstName = ?, lastName = ?, status = ? where id = ?");

then you should pass arguments as below

statement.setString ( 2, getAttributeRequestValue(account,"first") );
statement.setString ( 3, getAttributeRequestValue(account,"last") );
statement.setString ( 4, getAttributeRequestValue(account,"status") );
statement.setString(5, (String) account.getNativeIdentity());

If you understand this, then you can customize your JDBC statements easily.


Hi @MVKR7T , last observation there is not capability,
statement.setString ( 6, getAttributeRequestValue(account,“capability”) );

or this is the capability right?

Ya I felt the same.

You don’t need capability statement
statement.setString ( 3, getAttributeRequestValue(account,"last") );

Instead use

As code is querying current Roles from DB and then adding with Roles requested for addition and remove Roles requested for removal and then converting into CSV (comma separated valyes, example: Role1,Role2).

Thank your answer @MVKR7T

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