remove all the roles/permissions during user access revoke
remove all the roles/permissions and disable the user during user leaver
We have implemented the below JDBC provisioning rule where it is working for case 1 remove all the roles/permissions during user access revoke and not working for case 2 where all the roles/permissions are not revoked but disable of the user is happening during user leaver.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
This JDBC rule can process account creation requests, deletion requests, and modification requests that pertain to the role attribute. It logs debug messages if other account request types are submitted.
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.List;
import sailpoint.api.SailPointContext;
import sailpoint.connector.JDBCConnector;
import sailpoint.object.Application;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.AccountRequest;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.AttributeRequest;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.PermissionRequest;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningResult;
import sailpoint.object.Schema;
log.debug(“entering EBSDBJDBCProvision Rule”);
ProvisioningResult result = new ProvisioningResult();
if ( plan != null ) {
List accounts = plan.getAccountRequests();
if ( ( accounts != null ) && ( accounts.size() > 0 ) ) {
for ( AccountRequest account : accounts ) {
try {
String nativeIdentity = (String) account.getNativeIdentity();
if ( AccountRequest.Operation.Modify.equals( account.getOperation() ) ) {
// String nativeIdentity = (String) account.getNativeIdentity();
log.debug("nativeIdentity is " + nativeIdentity);
AttributeRequest attrReq = account.getAttributeRequest("PRIV");
log.debug("attrReq is " + attrReq);
if ( account != null ) {
if ( attrReq != null && ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Remove.equals(attrReq.getOperation()) ) {
List entitlemetsToBeRemoved = new ArrayList();
if (attrReq.getValue()!=null && attrReq.getValue() instanceof String) {
String attrValue = (String) attrReq.getValue();
entitlemetsToBeRemoved .add(attrValue);
} else if (attrReq.getValue()!=null && attrReq.getValue() instanceof List) {
List attrValueList = (List) attrReq.getValue();
entitlemetsToBeRemoved .addAll(attrValueList);
for (String attval:entitlemetsToBeRemoved){
String queryStatement = "revoke "+attval+" from "+nativeIdentity;
log.debug("queryStatement is " + queryStatement);
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(queryStatement);
result.setStatus( ProvisioningResult.STATUS_COMMITTED );
} else if ( AccountRequest.Operation.Disable.equals( account.getOperation() ) ) {
AttributeRequest attrReq = account.getAttributeRequest("disablePriv");
log.debug("attrReq is " + attrReq);
if ( account != null && attrReq.getValue()!=null) {
List entitlemetsToBeRemoved = new ArrayList();
if (attrReq.getValue()!=null && attrReq.getValue() instanceof String) {
String attrValue = (String) attrReq.getValue();
entitlemetsToBeRemoved .add(attrValue);
} else if (attrReq.getValue()!=null && attrReq.getValue() instanceof List) {
List attrValueList = (List) attrReq.getValue();
entitlemetsToBeRemoved .addAll(attrValueList);
for (String attval:entitlemetsToBeRemoved){
String queryStatement = "revoke "+attval+" from "+nativeIdentity;
log.debug("queryStatement is " + queryStatement);
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(queryStatement);
String accountlock =" alter user " + nativeIdentity + " account lock password expire";
PreparedStatement DisableStatement = connection.prepareStatement( accountlock );
Why is the list of entitlements you are trying to remove called “Priv” during the access revoke block and called “disablePriv” in the disable block? Are you trying to remove a different set of entitlements in the two scenarios?
I think it would help to refactor the rule a bit here since you want to perform the same action in both if cases and would improve readability.
As I have mentioned we have a requirement for below use cases:
remove all the roles/permissions during user access revoke
remove all the roles/permissions and disable the user during user leaver where user status changes from active to terminated.
We are trying to remove the same set entitlements attribute “Priv” in both cases 1 and 2.
As SailPoint IDN may not revoke and trigger same SQL statment in both cases 1 and 2 so defined a “Disable” provisioning policy for case 2 and defined the entitlement attribute as “disablePriv” in “Disable” provisioning policy for case 2 . But we are trying to remove the same set entitlements attribute “Priv” in both cases 1 and 2.
Please update the code if you think it may not work and provide your input.
As I have mentioned we have a requirement for below use cases:
remove all the roles/permissions during user access revoke
remove all the roles/permissions and disable the user during user leaver where user status changes from active to terminated.
We are trying to remove the same set entitlements attribute “Priv” in both cases 1 and 2.
As SailPoint IDN may not revoke and trigger same SQL statment in both cases 1 and 2 so defined a “Disable” provisioning policy for case 2 and defined the entitlement attribute as “disablePriv” in “Disable” provisioning policy for case 2 . But we are trying to remove the same set entitlements attribute “Priv” in both cases 1 and 2.
We have implemented the aboveJDBC provisioning rule where it is working for case 1 remove all the roles/permissions during user access revoke and not working for case 2 where all the roles/permissions are not revoked but disable of the user is happening during user leaver.
Please update the code if you think it may not work and provide your input.
I am not sure if it is a best practice to handle all your provisioning logic inside your JDBC rule as the requirements can change as you go forward. Keep the JDBC rule simple, with your basic Create/Update/Disable/Delete or any other required operation as suggested in the JDBC rule guide.
Your other requirements of setting up a leaver process and role revokes can be handled through a before provisioning rule or through workflow actions.
Hi @jesvin90 thank you for your reply and I have impleneted new below BeforeProvisioning rule for leaver use case scenario case 2 where remove all the roles/permissions and disable the user during user leaver where user status changes from active to terminated. Could you please check and provide your input on this?
I have updated the code as below and it is trying to remove only one entitlement and rest entitlements are still showing up and user is getting disabled for use case 2 during the user leaver process.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
This JDBC rule can process account creation requests, deletion requests, and modification requests that pertain to the role attribute. It logs debug messages if other account request types are submitted.