JDBC Connector Versus Web Services connector, what's your pick?

hey team, I’m curious, when deciding what connector to use for a SQL database, which do you prefer and why? JDBC or Web Service? (also, let me know if there is a better place to post curious questions like this. :slight_smile: )

Web service if it provides all the required API end points you need

Hello @bburrell , I’d prefer JDBC because I am not sure if APIs will be flexible enough to support provisioning use cases for your SQL database source :slight_smile:

Hi @bburrell

It’s not what I am comfortable about. Connecting to DB is no more secured way and not recommended. Every organization building secured ways to manage the data and control the operations.

If you go with Database, do you have a secured authentication mechanism other than basic authentication which is no more used in the world. Its recommended to use OAuth or some tokens.

So if you follow the world security trends, I always push application team to give API rather than a database.


Interesting answers so far! I thought for sure everyone would say APIs through Web Services was far superior to JDBC connectors. XD

Hey @bburrell, What did you end up deciding for your use case? :slight_smile: In my experience, Web Service would be the way to go if there are proper APIs in place for all the operations. In most cases, I have always had better experience with the Web Services connector than the JDBC one.

I use both, but was just curious what everyone preferred. I kind of thought everyone here would heavily lean toward web services, but it seems to be pretty balance which is interesting.

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I believe the approach we take highly depends upon the requirements + feasibility analysis.

For e.g. if it is a SaaS application then most likely you will get all API operations that you are looking out for along with modern authentication.

But, on the other hand, there are some scenarios wherein let’s say you integrate with an in-house legacy application which will always have a database to integrate with, but might not have an API or might have an API with limited accessibility to support all API operations which you intent to do. In that case, design approach that will be preferred is JDBC.

Definitely, if both API and JDBC integrations are possible, then always Web Services will be preferred. :slight_smile:

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