I’m having an issue for the JDBC Connector on the Modify Operation only, where the nativeIdentity is set to ??? in the provisioning plan, instead of the actual nativeId. On Create Operation, the correct nativeId is sent and set.
Rule snippet:
// Check if plan is null
if ( plan != null ) {
// Get all account requests from plan
List accounts = plan.getAccountRequests();
// If the plan contains one or more account requests, we'll iterate through them
if ((accounts != null) && (accounts.size() > 0)) {
for (AccountRequest account : accounts) {
**String nativeId = (String) account.getNativeIdentity();**
log.error(\"native identity: \" + nativeId);
log.error(\"application: \" + account.getApplicationName());
log.error(\"operation: \" + account.getOperation());
List attributeRequests = account.getAttributeRequests();
if (attributeRequests != null) {
log.error(\"Num of AttributeRequests: \" + attributeRequests.size());
// iterate through each attribute request
for (AttributeRequest attributeRequest : attributeRequests) {
String attributeName = attributeRequest.getName();
Object attributeValue = attributeRequest.getValue();
log.error(\"map: \" + attributeMap.toString());
in the debug I see:
{…“level”:“INFO”,“IdentityIQ”:“8.3p4 Build 4cd878af669-20241202-173620”,“message”
:“Provisioning [Modify] for account [FAKEID0001] starting.”,“pipeline”:“1.12.2”,“@timestamp”:“2025-02-05T00:03:54.933Z”,“thread_name”:“pool-6-thread-79”,“atlas-util”:“2.7.1”,“metrics”:“1.10.5”,“region”:“us-east-1”,“AppType”:“JDBC”…}
{…“level”:“ERROR”,“IdentityIQ”:“8.3p4 Build 4cd878af669-20241202-173620”,“mess
age”:“Enter UserID Provisioning”,“pipeline”:“1.12.2”,“@timestamp”:“2025-02-05T00:03:54.946Z”,“NativeIdentity”:“???”,“thread_name”:“pool-6-thread-79”,“atlas-util”:“2.7.1”,“metrics”:“1.10.5”,“region”:“us-east-1”,“AppType”:“JDBC”…}
The remaining debug continues to reference ??? as the NativeIdentity. Ultimately, it fails, as it is supposed to reference this nativeIdentity on the record it is updating.
Happy to provide the full provisioning rule and sproc if needed.