JDBC Connector (Entitlement Aggregation failure)

Hi Team,

Problem Statement:

There are two table in the Oracle DB one is for Users and other table is for Entitlements, both the tables residence under a same schema. Below is the table information.

  1. T_TKOP_OPER_PROFILE - User Profile table
  2. T_TKEO_ENTSET_OPER_XREF - Entitlement set

We can make the test connection successful and the Account aggregation as well. But when we run the entitlement aggregation, we are facing an error “Exception during aggregation of Object Type group on Application XTRAC [source]. Reason: java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occurred while aggregating Application XTRAC [source]”

In log file it’s clear that “No suitable driver found”.

let us know why we are receiving this kind of issue only in Entitlement aggregation.

Kind Regards,
Sai Krishna L

Hi @sai_krishna_L,

During account aggregation did it pulled few entitlements?

Also, with this service account you are allowed to pull in entitlements ?


Hi @ashutosh08,

Thanks for your response,
During account aggregation it only pulled the account because the table consists of account information.
Service account has privilege to pull the entitlements too, but it’s not working.

Any Suggestions would be helpful.

Kind Regards,
Sai Krishna L

Hi @sai_krishna_L !

Default jdbc connector configuration is to have the group type entitlement schema, which has ID and NAME as fields.

You can try adding a new entitlement type, and adding new fields (you can try the same name that your T_TKEO_ENTSET_OPER_XREF column names). When saving this new type, you should see a new aggregation operation for this new type. You can delete the old group type too.

In the new aggregation, you must assure that the SELECT brings the column names as you configured in the schema. Then you can try to aggregate it again.

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I have faced this type of issue for Group aggregation for webservices connector .
It was not picking and new entitlement in development environment.
I deleted the application and re-configure and it worked .

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Hi @jsosa,@pradeept,

Both of your solution worked for me.
Thank you for responding.
But I can mark only one as solution.

Kind Regards,
Sai Krishna L

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