JDBC BuildMap Rule

Hello Team,

In JDBC BuildMap Rule document we have a input table for the rule. In that, for the argument application (sailpoint.object.Application) purpose is defined as “Attribute value of the identity attribute before the rule runs”. How can we get identity attribute value using application object?


Need your inputs here. From the below rule map guide we understood that there is restriction on using context object and other methods in context object.
We have requirement to verify Identity Attribute value in side buildmap rule.

Note that the following code fragments are not allowed within connector-executed rules, as they are not valid at the connector level. They will, for a short time, still be allowed for pre-existing cloud-executed rules as a review exception. However, any new rules using these constructs will be returned to the submitter, who will be asked to re-write the rule using the IDN Rule Utility helper methods instead:

  • context.
  • .getObjectById()
  • .getObjectByName()
  • .getObject()
  • .search()
  • .countObjects()

As JDBC is connector based rule, IDN Rule utility is not available.

Any pointers here will be helpful.

Thank you!
Sailaja P

The identity attribute is also known as the “native identity”, the attribute that uniquely identifies the account or group. Apart from the application, you will also have the schema object as an input to the rule. This object (sailpoint.object.Schema) allows you to get the name of this attribute:

String identityAttribute = schema.getIdentityAttribute();
  • Menno