I am facing the below challenges in webservice connector .
Message: 0 : javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target, HTTP Error Code: 0
We have also added the certificates but still we get this error.
Please let us know if anyone has faced or resolved this.
Hello @schattopadhy I am facing similar issue for webservice connector application (Using Identity IQ) . I have placed the certs into security/cacerts but still connectovity is not resolved.
I am wondering what is this location “/home/sailpoint/certificate” and how can we locate the VA or is it only for IdNow ?
@shivakarasani199 location is home/sailpoint/certificate. After uploading the cert in .pem format restart ccg.if you still get an error it may be because of whitelisting the url from your va
Hello @schattopadhy thank you for the reply, i am confused as everyone is suggesting the same but we do not have any VA.
We have RHEL Linux boxes and SailPoint is installed on tomcat, we have 2 locations for reading SSL certs Java and Tomcat locating in java_home/security/cacerts and tomcat_home/conf/tomcat_keystore.
I do not see any VA configuration, am i missing something here when everyone is suggesting VA location ? I am assuming VA is for identityNow and IIQ uses cacerts/tomcat keystore location to read the certificates. Thanks
@schattopadhy I am also getting a similar error. We already have certs in the certificates folder on the VA machine. Can you tell me which certificate needs uploading?