Issues in Workflow module?

Hello Team,

We are unable to add a client secret to HTTP requests in workflows. We are receiving either a 404 not found error or the following error:

Also checked in another tenant for a completely separate workflow and getting same errors when trying to add a client secret.

Another error in workflow seems to be that for some workflows we are unable to see executions for the last 2 weeks (approximately). Now out of nowhere some workflows are executing multiple time for a single trigger and from random dates for the last 2 weeks as well.

Something seems to be very wrong right now! Anyone else with similar issues?

Best regards,

Looking at another of our workflows, which happens to be a scheduled workflow that runs every morning. Worked flawlessly so far but looking at executions something weird is definately going on:

Up until October 27th it ran daily. (Nothing has changed from our side)

Not sure if this is the same problem, but we are no longer sending variables through using this:
“displayName”: “{{$.getIdentity.attributes.displayName}}”,

Problem started a few days ago

Hi Sebastian. I recommend you open a support ticket for further investigation of this issue. It’s possible that Workflows was experiencing issues during that time, but it would require our support team to confirm.

Seems to be fixed by the Engineering Team now!

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