Issue while accessing forms using workflow

I am trying to use forms but get the below error whenever i try to open the form while its triggered from workflow.
Is this a permission issue?

Most likely you are using a Identity on the FORM . Use a Form input string with the Name and it should solve your problem

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@anuragbong i am using workflow variable only but it gives me the same issue.

@schattopadhy , are you using Identity id to trigger a form for specific user?

To validate it did you logged in with users who got the form assigned?

@IAMpdu yes i am using this below sample
“accessRequestId”: “4b4d982dddff4267ab12f0f1e72b5a6d”,
“requestedItemsStatus”: [
“id”: “fce0cf1ff8d74482895fcd6adc21ce8c”,
“name”: “Temporary Admin”,
“description”: “Temporary Admin”,
“type”: “ROLE”,
“operation”: “Add”,
“clientMetadata”: {
“applicationName”: “My application”
“approvalInfo”: ,
“comment”: “requester comments”,


“requestedBy”: {
“id”: “78d83cc2171e4bcf80262060e1b27dae”,
“name”: “schattopadhy.schattopadhy”,
“type”: “IDENTITY”
“requestedFor”: {
“id”: “ae1b228006cf43d6a7663061fea96c60”,
“name”: “”,
“type”: “IDENTITY”

Can you elaborate this?

Only owner of the form will be able to access form while clicking on the link email to user.