Issue while accessing forms using workflow

I am trying to use forms but get the below error whenever i try to open the form while its triggered from workflow.
Is this a permission issue?

Most likely you are using a Identity on the FORM . Use a Form input string with the Name and it should solve your problem

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@anuragbong i am using workflow variable only but it gives me the same issue.

@schattopadhy , are you using Identity id to trigger a form for specific user?

To validate it did you logged in with users who got the form assigned?

@IAMpdu yes i am using this below sample
“accessRequestId”: “4b4d982dddff4267ab12f0f1e72b5a6d”,
“requestedItemsStatus”: [
“id”: “fce0cf1ff8d74482895fcd6adc21ce8c”,
“name”: “Temporary Admin”,
“description”: “Temporary Admin”,
“type”: “ROLE”,
“operation”: “Add”,
“clientMetadata”: {
“applicationName”: “My application”
“approvalInfo”: ,
“comment”: “requester comments”,


“requestedBy”: {
“id”: “78d83cc2171e4bcf80262060e1b27dae”,
“name”: “schattopadhy.schattopadhy”,
“type”: “IDENTITY”
“requestedFor”: {
“id”: “ae1b228006cf43d6a7663061fea96c60”,
“name”: “”,
“type”: “IDENTITY”

Can you elaborate this?

Only owner of the form will be able to access form while clicking on the link email to user.

the problem might be causing due to loading an Identity on the FORM. I suggest to use Form input String with the name.