ISC Source Reset Issue

Hey ISC Dev Community,

Context: Working on a POC for a WebService Connector.
Issue: Unable to reset accounts for the source.
Error: 400 bad request, cause mentioned: Source Owner’s account exists.
Actuality: All accounts are in uncorrelated state as this end target does not have any accounts as such which will be correlated.
Working part: Reset of entitlements (its working as its supposed to both via APIs and via Visual Studio plugin for ISC.

Reference of the API taken from here: delete-accounts-async | SailPoint Developer Community

Any thoughts where I might be going wrong?
Note: Please do provide some context when providing your inputs would be really helpful :slight_smile:

Hi @amansingh,

It seems like some of the users from your account list is owner of some sources.

You need to remove that user from source owner, add someone who is not part of the source for which you want to perform account reset.

I know you have mentioned there are no correlated accounts but please make sure it is not the case.

Usually you will see the details in response, if possible share the response.

You can check below post although it is with regards to deprecated API, but the issue is similar as yours

Source reset API call - Identity Security Cloud (ISC) / ISC Discussion and Questions - SailPoint Developer Community

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Yup same issue we had one culprit someone decided to add an uncorrelated account to an identity and proceeded with making the same identity as the source owner :slight_smile:

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Good to hear that it worked.

The exact solution is in the above referenced comment.

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