ISC : Enable AD Logs in VA


I need to enable AD logs. For that I tried 2 approach.

Approach 1; Through beta API’s. I added required scopes, still I’m getting below errors while I’m trying to fetch managed-clusters.

Approach 2: I tried to enable in /home/sailpoint/ccg/, but I need sudo access for that. I can not update using account ‘sailpoint’

Can anyone please suggest on these.

Hi @Arpitha1,

You will need to use ORG_ADMIN access token for this operation.

Can you try with admin token ?


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I Tried to generate PAT, by going to Preferences as I’m admin. I could able to create it, but I don’t see client secret. I can just see client id.

Hi @Arpitha1 ,

Create a new PAT , you cannot see client secret of a PAT if you did not noted it down while creating .

Create a new PAT will scope:all , and user must be org_admin .
Note down the Client Id and Client Secret .



I agree with @sidharth_tarlapally , you wont be able to see the secret value again. Please create a new PAT token with scope: ALL and ORG_ADMIN. Do not forget to note down the secret this time.

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Hey Arpitha,
when you create a new PAT enable the sp:scopes:all to get a all full scopes.

Next note those Client ID and Secret. so you can use it on postman

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Sure, let me try and update you all.

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