Is workflow name for Password Intercept a reserved String in IIQ 8.1

I have created a workflow(type is Subprocess) to launch another workflow in the background via RequestManager then move to Stop step immediately. Interesting thing is if the name of the custom workflow does not include “Password Intercept”, the response time in Postman is about several hundreds milliseconds. But if the name of the custom workflow includes the String “Password Intercept” (eg “xxx Password Intercept xxx”), the response time of workflow will be 10-20 secs depends on which workflow is launched in the background. The log shows the correct sequence of steps for both cases: start and end the custom workflow, then start the background workflow. I have tried with restarting the Tomcat and Postman after the name change for the workflow.
So wondering if “Password Intercept” is a IIQ reserved string that the custom workflow should avoid using in the naming. Thank you!