Is there a way to trigger a workflow (business process) using a task?

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I’m looking into a way to trigger a workflow periodically (once a day, for example).
The workflow is a custom workflow I’ve created.
I’m familiar with scheduled tasks but couldn’t find a relevant task type.
I’m also familiar with triggering a workflow using the SCIM rest API (scim/v2/LaunchedWorkflows), but I’m looking for something that can be done through the UI.

Interestingly, when I trigger a workflow using the rest API, a task with the type workflow is created, but this type doesn’t exist in the task type list.

@liza_s you can write run rule task and that task u can schedule, Please check the guide how to launch from rule

Hi @liza_s - You can launch a Workflow using a quicklink as well. Here is a basic snippet if you use a rule and a rule runner task to execute a workflow.

    String workflowName = "MyWorkflow"; // Change your workflow name
    String requestName = "Run '" + workflowName + "' for: " + identityName; // Change your request name
    String requesterId = "spadmin";
    Workflow eventWorkflow = context.getObject(Workflow.class, workflowName);
    Identity id = context.getObjectByName(Identity.class, requesterId);
    Attributes reqArgs = new Attributes();
    reqArgs.put(StandardWorkflowHandler.ARG_REQUEST_DEFINITION, WorkflowRequestExecutor.DEFINITION_NAME);
    reqArgs.put(StandardWorkflowHandler.ARG_WORKFLOW, workflowName);
    reqArgs.put(StandardWorkflowHandler.ARG_REQUEST_NAME, requestName);
    Attributes wfArgs = new Attributes();
    wfArgs.put("identityName", identityName);
    wfArgs.put("workflow", eventWorkflow.getName());
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 0);
    Request req = new Request();
    RequestDefinition reqdef = context.getObject(RequestDefinition.class, "Workflow Request");
    req.setAttributes( reqdef, reqArgs );
    RequestManager.addRequest(context, req);