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Recently, I became familiar with the roles development kit.
As far as I understand, it’s only relevant for Identity Cloud.
I tried to write a rule using it, but I couldn’t import some dependencies like sailpoint.integration.ApacheHttpClient.
Is there an alternative for IdentityIQ? What’s the best way to write IdentityIq rules and workflows?
Currently, I’m editing XML in the UI and using the workflow editor in the UI, but it’s uncomfortable.
@liza_s you can create in eclipse with help of IIQDA plugin and write your rule or workflow there.
You want from eclipse standalone code then use RUle or workflow API and create new workflow or Rule.
if you are fine you can write code and deploy as beanshell.
Hey @mkumariaas, thank you for your reply.
It seems like the IIQDA plugin is more of a CD tool for IdentityIQ.
It allows you to import, export, and edit XMLs.
I’m looking for a tool (or a plugin) that can convert Java code into roles/workflows (like the role development kit).