It may just be me, in addressing the syntax or logic somewhere, but the usernameGenerator doesn’t seem to be working, where the other firstValid evaluations seem to be working. Is it supported when we are writing to an Identity Attribute rather than an account attribute?
HR Source stores the login ID.
If it is a new user we want a unique login id generated.
We are trying to keep the sAMAccountName down to 10 characters.
If this isn’t supported, how do you reference the UPN, DN, email; etc for the account creation when the generated ID is being generated at the same time?
If it is supported, any ideas on where my logic is failing?
Any tricks on evaluating it through vscode?
Does the velocity engine have anything that can be used to evaluate for a unique name?
"id": "543d902b-c826-440a-9152-7699dec947fb",
"name": "SB-sAMAccountName-TST",
"type": "firstValid",
"attributes": {
"values": [
"type": "accountAttribute",
"attributes": {
"sourceName": "SB AD",
"attributeName": "sAMAccountName"
"type": "accountAttribute",
"attributes": {
"sourceName": "TST",
"attributeName": "LOGIN_ID"
"type": "usernameGenerator",
"attributes": {
"sourceCheck": false,
"patterns": [
"ln": {
"type": "identityAttribute",
"attributes": {
"name": "lastname"
"fi": {
"type": "substring",
"attributes": {
"input": {
"type": "identityAttribute",
"attributes": {
"name": "firstname"
"begin": 0,
"end": 1
"mi": {
"type": "substring",
"attributes": {
"input": {
"type": "identityAttribute",
"attributes": {
"name": "middlename"
"begin": 0,
"end": 1
"combined": {
"type": "substring",
"attributes": {
"begin": 0,
"end": 9,
"values": "$fi$mi$ln"
"attributes": {
"sourceName": "TST",
"attributeName": "FILENUMBER"
"type": "accountAttribute"
"internal": false