IQService username and password error

Exception occurred while executing the RPCRequest: Errors returned from IQService. Authentication Failed : No such user registered with IQService.

Im receiving an error like this , but i have matched the username and password used in logon of IQService with IDN AD source IQService config for username and password .

Hi @sisvanthkumar ,

Can you please ensure this user is registered in the IQService console. The user should be listed after running the command -a list. If perhaps this user was just registered you could perhaps try and restart the IQService.

Please let me know if this helps

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yes , it is listed down under the registered user for client authentication
But its in lower case eventhough i didnt save it like that, does it matter or is it case sensitive?

The user will show as lowercase yes.

When you registered the user, did you restart the IQ service?

Hi @sisvanthkumar,

Adding to @dylanfoggan’s suggestions, also make sure that you use the same username format in the UI as registered on the IQ service.

Here is what the documentation says :

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Hi team , Thanks for your help , I de-registered and registered the user to the IQService , and it started to work fine . Appreciate your help .

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